Mountaineer Video Production and ESPN+
2023 - Present
I started working with ESPN+ and WVU Athletic’s Video in late 2023. Through this experience, I gained a solid foundation in the production of a sports broadcast. I learned how to operate cameras, build and mix audio, and run blaze graphics for a variety of sports, including football, soccer, basketball, and baseball.
Roles Included:
Audio Technician (A1 and A2)
ESPN+ Utility
Blaze Operator
Stage Manager
West Virginia Black Bears
2024 — Seasonal
The West Virginia Black Bears are a draft league baseball team based in Granville, WV. I worked with this organization to provide video board content to an audience at the games. I learned how to run baseball scoreboards, the process of creating video board content, and camera operation for the sport of baseball.
Adobe Photoshop Certified (2022)